The Mysterious Kerfuffle of Harry Breen
The Triumphant Return of Harry Breen
Once upon a time, there was a country named the “United States of America.” In not-too-past times, this was a very proud nation. Sadly, the country’s political parties constantly fought one another, and the welfare of the people was secondary to their political power’s best interests so that the only outcome that mattered was getting reelected. The year is 2001 (CE). What’s “CE,” you ask? “Common Era.” No longer do we use “BC” or “AD.” We must all be politically correct, didn’t you know? And please keep your thoughts to yourself, but if you’re a conservative thinker and you agree with “me,” a liberal (now called a progressive), then you’re OK. If you disagree with my liberal point of view, then you don’t know what you’re talking about! There are no two sides of every coin. There are only liberal sides! “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s. Give to God what is God’s!” For a liberal, there is no God, but there sure as hell is a Caesar— with a capital $! And so our tale begins.
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These vignettes I’ve written provided a crescendo to my adulthood, with a few setbacks along the way. Boring to many, I suppose. But typical to many who grew up in the lower-middle class with parents wanting their children to succeed, to be better financially than they, and to treat others as their children want to be treated. Simple but difficult at times, no doubt. I married a terrific woman and mother. I have two terrific sons. And I still go to church! As Frank Sinatra sang, “I did it My Way.” Capiche?
Basically, these narratives are compendious so as not to become too tedious. Hopefully, they’re in chronological order as best I can recall. There are no kept diaries. Men don’t keep diaries, at least not unless one intended “someday” to write a historical truism or novel. I’m not that inclined! Some of my scenarios are funny, some not so funny, and just a handful quite serious, even in today’s culture. Of course, you decide for yourself.
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