About the Books

The Mysterious Kerfuffle of Harry Breen: The Triumphant Return of Harry Breen

Disturbed about current rulings from the Supreme Court, several Wall Streeters want two liberal justices eliminated. Down on his luck, Harry Breen overhears the conversation and offer to “assist.” Liberal and conservative ideas are floated throughout the missive. A sequel continues the rise of Harry Breen from the ashes and his final guilt-free sojourn to personal freedom.

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This book of short vignettes from youth to becoming a 30-ish adult has some humor, some gravitas, and a somewhat skewed advancement to adulthood. Various described setbacks were overcome by sheer determination, counsel by my parents and my dear wife…and luck. Of course, belief in Divine guidance was paramount in any perceived success—then and now. Positive reaction to failure makes one a better and wiser person.

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